Improving Climate Environment


Next breath aims to bring clean air to vulnerable communities by translating understanding into action at the frontier of science.

At Next Breath, we are especially focused on the air that surrounds us. Clean air is one of the fundamental tools that sustains all life, it belongs to all and is something that we all share. Air has no borders and there are little means to control how it comes and goes. Pollution that is created in one place will have an impact far beyond its origin. Today poor air quality is the leading cause of death in developing countries. We know that we need to change human activity towards achieving a productive and sustainable impact on the planet earth. To succeed in doing this we need to learn to better live alongside and within the context of nature. We thrive to engage students from around the world as agents of change. As air belongs to all it will be by working together that we will find and support ways to ensure that what we breath is clean and healthy.


2021 Lausanne conference